Researches have not yet found a miracle pill for dementia. Nevertheless, a great deal of money is invested in pharmaceutical research and far too little in educating people about the possibilities of prevention and the true causes of dementia.

In the neuro-highlights (Medscape, Dec. 10, 2018) Prof. Dr. Hans-Christoph Diener explains dementia:

All drug trials failed. This is probably because the disease begins 30 years before the first symptoms appear.
The only thing that can be done is prevention: change of lifestyle, treatment of vascular risk factors, sports..”

The following graphic gives an initial overview:

Healthy Sleep

Sufficient and restful night sleep is vital for us humans. Sleep researchers have been investigating why and how our brain regenerates during sleep for decades. The nightly sleep consists of different, alternating sleep phases, which can be represented differently by EEG waves, whereby different deep sleep phases differ from phases of lighter sleep. One thing is already certain today: lack of sleep and dementia are a diabolical duo!

Healthy Sleep

Sufficient and restful night sleep is vital for us humans. Sleep researchers have been investigating why and how our brain regenerates during sleep for decades. The nightly sleep consists of different, alternating sleep phases, which can be represented differently by EEG waves, whereby different deep sleep phases differ from phases of lighter sleep. One thing is already certain today: lack of sleep and dementia are a diabolical duo!

Social Life / Work

Man as a social being: The social environment has a decisive influence on our mental health! Man is a social being and we need positive social contacts, want to be integrated and have a meaning for other people. Not only as a child it is extremely important to feel held and safe and to be accepted. But right from the start it is the basis for the healthy development of our identity. Social integration and a fulfilling job dramatically reduce the risk of dementia!

Social Life / Work

Man as a social being: The social environment has a decisive influence on our mental health! Man is a social being and we need positive social contacts, want to be integrated and have a meaning for other people. Not only as a child it is extremely important to feel held and safe and to be accepted. But right from the start it is the basis for the healthy development of our identity. Social integration and a fulfilling job dramatically reduce the risk of dementia!

Mind Fitness

Jogging isn't just good for the body. The mind also benefits from the sport. The term "brain jogging" implies a certain effort and challenge. Brain training should be regarded as an athletic achievement and should be integrated into life from the age of 40. Already here the memory decreases noticeably. For those who don't like sports and for untrained brain cells, the following applies: If you don't train regularly, you become sluggish. To remain in the picture of sport: You are well advised to give the grey cells legs before they no longer manage the smallest hurdle.

Move move move

Move and your grey cells thank you for that! Being active, especially in nature, is part of our genetic program and ensures our cognitive performance up to old age.


A diet that provides all the macro- and micronutrients necessary for the body is a solid basis for good health - even in old age! Especially our neurons, especially the young and first maturing brain cells in the hippocampus, need the right building materials, nutrients and protective substances so that they mature and remain functional. Here we explain what is right and what is often done wrong.

Reducing toxins

Environmental toxins, also known as xenobiotics, are chemical substances that are foreign to the biological material cycle, are difficult to degrade and often have toxic effects. They accompany us in our daily lives and lead to gradual poisoning. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), xenobiotics are jointly responsible for chronic diseases and are considered the main triggers of cancer, Alzheimer's disease, autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, depression and type 2 diabetes. Today's regulations and controls are far from sufficient to tackle the problem.


In an ideal world, dietary supplements would not be necessary. Dietary supplements can help protect and repair our cells and provide the essential enzymes, catalysts and building blocks that enable our bodies to take care of their own health. Some of these substances, which are particularly important for a healthy brain function, are presented here.

Sun and Vitamin d

Increased production of vitamin D by sunlight or intake of vitamin D by diet or supplements improves cognitive performance, significantly reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease, and potentially reduces cognitive decline in individuals already diagnosed with dementia.


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