KsD up to date: messages and news from all over the world
With the beginning of the New Year, the team of the project “Knowledge stopps Dementia” would like to refer on a regular base to current contributions from the world wide web which have a close relation to our core topic, the lifestyle-oriented and self-responsible prevention and treatment of dementia-related diseases. The opinions expressed in the following articles should serve as a stimulus for critical discussion. They do not necessarily correspond to the positions we hold, but in all cases, they enrich the basis for discussion. Occasionally, we also refer to current freely available studies at the end – make up your own mind!
Demenzfälle könnten sich bis 2050 verdreifachen (Die Zeit 27.1.2022)
According to one study, it is conceivable that 153 million people will be living with dementia in 2050. This is mainly due to the aging of the population.
Kognitive Resilienz: Warum einige Menschen mit Morbus Alzheimer geistig fit bleiben (Deutsches Ärzteblatt 23.12.2021)
Cambridge/Massachusetts – Some people who have been intellectually active throughout their lives, both at work and in their leisure time, can maintain their cognitive functions for a long time in later life, even if their brains are affected by Alzheimer’s disease.
Aducanumab: EMA erteilt Alzheimer-Medikament keine Zulassung (Spektrum der Wissenschaft 22.12.2021)
The European regulatory authority for drugs EMA has rejected the approval of the Alzheimer’s drug Aduhelm. The studies submitted did not conclusively prove the clinical efficacy of aducanumab and were also contradictory, according to the statement
Viagra gegen Alzheimer – schöne Idee, aber mehr nicht! (Süddeutsche Zeitung 7.12.21)
Does Viagra help against Alzheimer’s? Nice idea – but the study evidence is very weak.
Alzheimer: RNA zeigt Risiko für Demenz an (Spektrum der Wissenschaft 11.10.21)
Three regulatory sequences of genetic material signal damage in the brain before the first symptoms appear. These microRNAs could also be targets of future therapies.
Demenz: Saubere Luft sorgt für klares Denken (Medical Tribune 13.10.21)
Clean air apparently not only eases the burden on the respiratory tract and increases life expectancy. It also seems to have a positive influence on Alzheimer’s and other dementia diseases
Demenz: US-Expertin fordert Kopfballverbot für Kinder (BR 13.10.2021)
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a form of dementia in athletes. Soccer players – but also soccer players – are affected. Now a U.S. pathologist is calling for the disease to be taken seriously and for headers to be stopped. The controversial story about the underestimated danger in sports.
Max-Planck-Institut: Masken könnten sich negativ auf Verlauf von Demenz auswirken [rnd.de, 9.9.2021]
Wearing masks by people in contact could have a negative impact on the development of dementia, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences are warning.
WHO-Report: Die Welt versagt bei Demenz-Erkrankungen [pharmazeutische-zeitung.de, 2.9.2021]
Worldwide, the number of dementia patients is rising rapidly – but most countries are not prepared to help these people. Education, social contacts and a healthy lifestyle are considered the best preventive measures. Germany is even regarded as a role model with its National Dementia Strategy.