
KsD up to date: Reports and news from around the world

By |2025-02-04T09:17:18+01:005. February 2025|Categories: causes, forms of treatment, Prevention|Tags: , , , , |

At regular intervals, we would like to draw your attention to current articles from the Internet that are closely related to our core topic of lifestyle-oriented and self-responsible prevention and treatment of dementia and their relevance. The opinions expressed in the above articles are intended to serve as a stimulus for critical debate. They do not necessarily correspond to the positions we represent, but in all cases they enrich the basis for discussion. At the end of each press article we refer to our scientifically based KsD articles - please take a look for yourself!

From bread to dementia

By |2024-12-10T10:24:13+01:0011. December 2024|Categories: nutrition, Prevention|Tags: , , , , , |

Gluten can trigger inflammation in the gut and brain in people with coeliac disease or gluten sensitivity, which could increase the risk of dementia. The main causes are a damaged intestinal and blood-brain barrier as well as cross-reactions between gluten antibodies and brain proteins.

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