KsD up to date: messages and news from all over the world

3 min readPublished On: 7. June 2023By Categories: causes, forms of treatment, prevention

At regular time intervals, we would like to draw your attention to current reports on the Internet that are closely related to our core topic of lifestyle-oriented and self-responsible prevention and treatment of dementia and its relevance. The opinions expressed there should stimulate a critical exchange of views. They do not necessarily reflect the positions we hold, but in all cases they enrich the basis for discussion. t the end of each press article, we refer to our scientifically based KsD articles – please make up your own mind! 

One piece of news catches the eye: With the antibody drug Donanemab, another pill against Alzheimer’s is about to be launched. It is the third antibody that is about to be approved after the controversial approvals of aducanumab and lecanumab. Even the “outstanding treatment success” (according to the representatives of the pharmaceutical company Lilly) looks rather poor when viewed critically: no cure or halting of the disease, high side effect rate, decrease in brain volume – and all this at extreme therapy costs. The fatal effects of antibodies on brain structure and function are also reported in a recent scientific study published in the medical journal Neurology – we will report on it. All this seems almost ironic in the context that effective, side-effect-free and significantly less cost-intensive lifestyle-oriented prevention and therapy concepts are available.  

But now to the news from all over the world: 

 Bereits zweiter Fall identifiziert: Seltene Mutationen schützen vor vererbtem Alzheimer (DAZ 22.05.2023) 

People with an inherited form of Alzheimer’s disease usually suffer from cognitive impairment at the age of 40 to 50. A Colombian patient now only developed the disease at the age of 67, thanks to a rare variant of a gene. This is the second case described in which a mutation protected against inherited Alzheimer’s. 

(You can find out more about the background to familial Alzheimer’s disease at KsD). 

Alzheimer-Diagnostik: Ultralange Eiweiss-Fasern geben Hinweise für ein Demenzrisiko (IDW Nachrichten 09.05.2023) 

In the course of Alzheimer’s disease, certain proteins appear in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of affected individuals. Empa researchers, together with the Department of Neurology at the Cantonal Hospital in St. Gallen, have now visualized a broad spectrum of protein components and fibers in the cerebrospinal fluid. Their conclusion: Ultralong fine protein fibers are a clear sign of Alzheimer’s dementia. The study, recently published in Communications Biology, provides new insights into the role of protein accumulations in the development of dementia and should improve its early detection. 

(Blood tests for early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s dementia are also being developed, read more on KsD). 

Alzheimer: „Erster überragender Behandlungserfolg mit einem Antikörper“ – aber schwere Nebenwirkungen möglich (MedsCape 04.05.2023) 

The amyloid antibody donanemab can slow cognitive deterioration by 35% in patients with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. Nearly half of study participants treated with donanemab showed no clinical progression of the disease after 1 year in the phase 3 TRAILBLAZER-ALZ-2 trial. 

(For more information beyond drug company interests, see antibody drugs at KsD). 

Neu entdeckter Zusammenhang zwischen Alzheimer und Eisen könnte zu neuen medizinischen Interventionen führen: Was, wenn Amyloid-Beta-Plaques nicht die Hauptursache der Alzheimer-Krankheit sind? (Bionity 24.04.2023) 

There is growing evidence that iron in the brain may play a role in Alzheimer’s disease. A new imaging probe has shown for the first time that in the same brain regions where Alzheimer’s-associated amyloid beta plaques occur, the redox properties of iron are also increased, meaning the iron in these regions is more reactive in the presence of oxygen. Their imaging study could provide even more details about the causes of Alzheimer’s disease and help in the search for new drugs to treat the disease. 

(This is another indication that the amyloid hypothesis is beginning to shake). 

Studie: Hörgeräte können vor Demenz schützen (RND 14.04.2023) 

An international team of researchers has confirmed in a study that hearing aids have a preventive effect against dementia. In the study, people with untreated hearing loss had a 42 percent higher risk of developing the disease. However, it is still unclear how this correlation arises. 

(Find out from KsD which other risk factors besides hearing loss increase the risk of dementia). 

Forscher warnen: Wer Abführmittel nimmt, erhöht sein Demenz-Risiko um bis zu 50 Prozent (Fokus: 01.04.2023) 

Anyone who regularly takes laxatives could be massively compromising their own health. Researchers have found in a study that the remedies could massively increase the risk of dementia – and at the same time show a solution. 

(The article confirms that gut health is a major factor in dementia prevention). 



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