KsD up to date: messages and news from all over the world

3.3 min readPublished On: 25. January 2023By Categories: causes, forms of treatment, prevention

To launch the New Year, we would once again like to draw your attention to current reports on the Internet that are closely related to our core topic of lifestyle-oriented and self-responsible prevention and treatment of dementia and its relevance. The opinions expressed there should stimulate a critical exchange of views. They do not necessarily reflect the positions we hold, but in all cases they enrich the basis for discussion. Occasionally, these articles also refer to current freely available studies at the end – make up your own mind! 


One piece of news catches the eye: in our neighboring country Belgium, Alzheimer’s dementia has now taken the number 1 spot among the causes of death! This is all the more challenging because there is still no medication that can cure, alleviate, or at least stop this disease. 


Precisely for this reason, we believe it is essential to regularly provide you with the most recent findings from Alzheimer’s research free of charge with our project “Knowledge stopps Dementia”. This year, we want to continue to provide you this valuable, evidence-based information so you can use it directly for yourself and your loved ones. With this in mind we, the team of “Knowledge stopps Dementia” wish you a good start into a happy, peaceful and above all healthy 2023! 


US-Zulassung für neues Alzheimer-Medikament (Tagesschau 07.01.2023) 

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted accelerated approval for an antibody drug designed to slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. However, there may also be severe side effects, as test series showed. 

(Read more under Lecanemab – Wundermittel oder Flop?) 


Demenz ist zum ersten Mal die häufigste Todesursache in Belgien (vrt nws 2.12.2022) 

More and more Belgians are dying as a result of dementia. Between 2004 and 2019, the number of deaths due to Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia increased by more than 70 percent. This is according to the latest mortality statistics from the Belgian health office Sciensano, which appears in the daily newspaper De Tijd on Friday. 


Forscher enthüllen: Deshalb erkranken Frauen häufiger an Demenz als Männer (Frankfurter Rundschau 30.12.2022) 

The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer’s. According to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), 19,356 of the total 1.8 million dementia sufferers were even undergoing inpatient treatment in 2021. What is striking here is that the figures published by the office on World Alzheimer’s Day on September 21, 2022, showed that significantly more women (58.5 percent) than men (41.4 percent) were affected. 


Viele Risikofaktoren sind vermeidbar – Demenz kündigt sich Jahre vorher an: Diese Anzeichen dürfen Sie nicht ignorieren (Focus 23.12.2022) 

Once dementia has set in, especially in its most common form Alzheimer’s, it can at best be delayed, but not stopped or even cured. It is therefore all the more important to know the risk factors for the deterioration of cognitive abilities – and to eliminate them if possible. 


Biotech-Aktie bricht ein: Alzheimer-Rückschlag trifft MorphoSys hart (Tagesschau 14.11.2022) 

German biotech company MorphoSys and its partner, Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche, have suffered a major research setback. A potential drug to treat Alzheimer’s disease has been found to be ineffective. 

(Read more under Monoclonal antibodies against Alzeimers’) 


Zahn um Zahn – Meta-Studie bestätigt: Es gibt einen überraschenden Risikofaktor für Demenz (Focus 14.10.2022) 

Sick teeth are a burden on the entire body – sometimes with serious consequences. A meta-study from Finland now confirms another risk factor: gingivitis and tooth loss promote cognitive diseases such as dementia. What you need to know. 

(Read more about the topic under healthy teeth and dementia) 


Auch unter den Jüngeren: Mehr Demenzkranke in Deutschland (Tagesschau 16.08.2022) 

According to the Alzheimer’s Association, the number of dementia patients in Germany is steadily increasing – even among younger people. The increase can be explained, among other things, by better diagnostics. 


Neue Studie – Könnte Therapien verbessern: Alzheimer hängt offenbar mit Darmerkrankungen zusammen (Focus 4.8.2022) 

Dementia announces itself years in advance: You must not ignore these signs Once dementia has set in, especially in its most common form Alzheimer’s, it can at best be delayed, but not stopped or even cured. This makes it all the more important to know the risk factors for the deterioration of cognitive abilities – and to eliminate them if possible. (Read our fact sheet on the subject Microbiom and Dementia) 


STUDIE ÜBER 30 JAHRE: Übergewichtige Kinder haben wohl ein größeres Risiko später an Demenz zu erkranken (Stern 21.06.2022) 

Dementia is a widespread disease that affects more and more people. But there are factors that influence how fit our brains are in old age. Weight in childhood is probably one of them, according to a long-term study.  

(Read more about the topic under Diabetes and Dementia) 


Diagnostik: Alzheimertest per Blutanalyse (Medical Tribune 6.5.2022) 

When Alzheimer’s is suspected, brain scans and lumbar punctures could soon be history: a new blood test comes to the same conclusion quickly and accurately. 

(Read more on the topic under Diagnosis of Alzheimers‘) 



The new Alzheimer's drug Lecanemab: miracle drug or flop? Take a look for yourself!
dementiapreventionStep by step to dementia prevention - those who walk daily protect their brains